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Pregnancy/Birth/Motherhood books - how to use them and our top picks!

The minute you get pregnant, everyone you know (or don't even know quite often!) will send you a million and one book recommendations! Now, whilst it can be super helpful to take advice from others (and we know that people are only ever trying to help share what they have learned) we think it's super important to, take book recommendations on board, but make your own mind up about whether it's a book that you actually want to read and take any notice of! Why? Well, pregnancy (especially your first pregnancy) and preparing for birth and motherhood can be a really confusing and overwhelming time as it is with a million and one decisions for you and your partner to make about your labor and how you want to parent. And whilst books are certainly super helpful for providing you with all the key facts and information surrounding all the key considerations, we think that reading too many/relying too much on them can become really confusing and overwhelming!  There are SO many pre...

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